Profile: A new warrior constructed by the Cybertrons
on Earth after they receive information from the Cybertron space
warrior Grand Maximus. Godbomber performs the "Super-God Combination"
with Super Ginrai, becoming God Jinrai. The project to build him
is called the Bomber Plan.
Abilities: Performs the "Super-God Combination" with Super Ginrai, becoming
God Ginrai. Acts in accordance with Ginrai's orders. He can also
move when Shuuta, Minerva and Cab all work as one.
Weapon: God Cannon
Final Attack: The "Machine-Gun God Cannon" - firing projectiles machine-gun style, he opens up a beehive of holes in his foes, destroying them.
Side Missiles:
Some versions of Godbomber came without side missiles.
This figure was available in Japan in 1988.
This figure was available with Super Ginrai (1988) as part of the God Ginrai (1988) boxed set in Japan in 1988.
It was later reissued in Japan in 2001. The reissue was released in North America as Apex Bomber (2003) in 2003.