Don't Call Me
Tony Productions


Boxed (Grimlock Street Attack)
Boxed (Galvatron Factory Battle)
Boxed (Dinobot Charge)







Gun (Grimlock Street Attack, Galvatron Factory Battle)
Launcher (Grimlock Street Attack)
Missile (Grimlock Street Attack)
Stand (x1 in Grimlock Street Attack)
Gun (Dino Chargers)



There are no known variations of this figure.



Availability: This figure was available with Kre-O Dinobot Strafe (2014), Kre-O Cell Block Breakout Bumblebee (2014), and Kre-O Cell Block Breakout Optimus Prime (2014) in 2014.

Two copies of this figure were available with Kre-O Grimlock Street Attack Optimus Prime (2014) and Kre-O Grimlock Street Attack Grimlock (2014) in 2014.

This figure was available with Kre-O Dinobot Charge Slug (2014) and Kre-O Dinobot Charge Autobot Drift (2014) in 2014.

This figure was available with Kre-O Galvatron Factory Battle Galvatron (2014), Kre-O Galvatron Factory Battle Bumblebee (2014), Kre-O Galvatron Factory Battle Slash (2014) and Kre-O Galvatron Factory Battle Optimus Prime (2014) in 2014.

Two copies of this figure were included with Kre-O Dino Hauler Optimus Prime (2014) in 2014.

Two copies of this figure were included with Kre-O Scorn (2014) and Kre-O Crosshairs (2014) in 2014.

Additional Versions of Vehicon:

Recolors: This mold was never recolored.
Remolds: This figure was never remolded.

Name Reuses: The name Vehicon was reassigned from Prime Vehicon (2011-2013) and Age of Extinction Vehicon (2014).

Also, the villainous faction in the Beast Machines series was called Vehicons.