"Waspinator tired of being universe's chew toy!"
In his own mind, "Waspinator" is destined for a glorious reign atop the
Predacon hierarchy. Sadly, his actual abilities fall very short of this ideal.
It is almost as if the Predacon warrior is cursed. In vehicle mode he
can achieve Mach 3.2 and is equipped with the ability to generate a
localized anti-gravity field that allows him to stop almost
instantaneously with little or no drift. His primary armaments are two
machine gun cannons built into the sides of his nose cone. In robot
mode, Waspinator wields a stun rifle that fires blasts of
circuit-disrupting energy. His optic sensors can emit destructive blasts
at any target he is looking at. Despite all this, his comrades do not
respect him and his enemies do not fear him. In battle, he is often
dispatched in the most gruesome manner possible, however Waspinator has
an undeniably stubborn spirit and refuses to give up his dreams.
Megatron recognizes this quality and seeks to exploit it to its maximum
potential for his own benefit.
There are no known variations of this figure.
This figure was available exclusively at Botcon 2006 with Timelines Botcon 2006 Megatron (2006) in 2006.
Please note, depending on your view of the Beast Machines continuity, Waspinator may be considered as the same character as Beast Machines Thrust (2000-2005). Please see the page for Thrust for all iterations of that character.