Don't Call Me
Tony Productions


1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 |
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 |
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016



Accel - Micron
Air Hunter - Destron Swordsman
Air Raid - Autobot
Ape-Linq - Mini-Con/Autobot
Arcee - Autobot
Armorhide - Decepticon
Astroscope - Mini-Con
Astrotrain (Anime) - Destron Military Transport
Autobot Groove - Autobot
Autobot Hound - Autobot
Autobot Tracks - Autobot
Autobot Whirl - Autobot

Bad Boy - Destron
Battle Ravage - Decepticon
Beachcomber - Autobot
Beacon - Micron
Blackout (Night Attack) - Mini-Con
Blackout (KB) - Mini-Con
Blitz - Micron
Bluestreak - Cybertron Gunner
Bonecrusher - Decepticon
Bound Rogue - Cybertron Resource Provision
Brake - Micron
Buckethead - Decepticon
Bug Bite - Destron
Bulkhead - Autobot
Bumblebee - Cybertron Espionage

Caliburn - Mini-Con
Checkpoint - Autobot
Chrome - Micron
Chrome Horn Forest Type - Destron
Cliffjumper - Autobot
Cluster - Micron
Command Ravage - Decepticon
Constructicon Devastator - Decepticon
Convoy (Smallest TF, White Mode) - Cybertron
Convoy (Robot Masters) - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Convoy (Robot Masters, DVD) - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Convoy (Beast Convoy, Robot Masters) - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Convoy (Burning Beast, Robot Masters) - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Cruellock - Decepticon
Crumplezone - Mini-Con
Crunch - Micron
Crystal Widow - Autobot
Cyclonus - Decepticon

Damper - Micron
Dash - Cybertron
Dash (Black) - Cybertron
Dashtacker - Cybertron
Dashtacker (Black) - Cybertron
Dead End - Decepticon
Dead End - Mini-Con
Defensor (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Delta Seeker - Cybertron Pursuit
Demolishor - Decepticon
Demolishor (Night Attack) - Decepticon
Demolishor (KB) - Decepticon
Detritus - Cybertron/Destron Junkion Mercenary
Dinobot Magma Type - Destron
Dinobot Triceradon - Autobot
Divebomb - Decepticon
Doom-Lock - Decepticon
Double Face - Destron Double Spy
Downshift - Autobot
Draft (X-Dimension) - Micron
Dreadwing - Decepticon

Effect - Micron

Filter - Micron
Firebot - Mini-Con
Fireflight - Autobot
First Aid (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Frenzy - Micron

Gigant Bomb - Destron Assault Captain
Grand Convoy (Anniversary) - Cybertron
Grand Scourge - Destron
Grapple (Commemorative Series VI) - Autobot Architect
Grimlock - Autobot
Grindor - Mini-Con
Grindor (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Groove (Autobot Groove, Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Groove - Micron
Gunbarrel (Spring Value Pack) - Mini-Con
Gunbarrel (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con

High Wire - Mini-Con
High Wire (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Hightower - Decepticon
Hoist - Autobot Maintenance
Hot Shot - Autobot
Hot Shot (Energon) - Autobot
Hot Spot (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Hound (Autobot Hound) - Autobot
Hover - Micron

Impulsor - Micron
Inferno - Autobot
Inferno (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Insecticon - Decepticon
Ironhide - Autobot
Ironhide (Energon) - Autobot
Ironhide (McDonald's) - Autobot
Ironhide (Tranformers: Universe) - Autobot

Jazz - Autobot Special Operations Expert
Jazz (Smallest TF) - Cybertron
Jetfire - Autobot

Kicker - Cybertron
Kicker (Anniversary) - Cybertron
King Atlas - Autobot
Kingbolt - Micron
Knock-Out - Mini-Con

Landcross - Cybertron
Landcross (Black) - Cybertron
Landmine - Autobot
Landquake - Autobot
Lens - Micron
Liftor - Mini-Con
Ligier - Cybertron Spy
Long Haul - Decepticon
Longarm - Mini-Con

Mach - Cybertron
Mach (Black) - Cybertron
Machtackle - Cybertron
Machtackle (Black) - Cybertron
Magna Stampede - Autobot
Makeshift - Mini-Con
Mega-Dinobot - Autobot
Mega-Octane - Decepticon
Megatron - Decepticon
Megatron (Energon) - Decepticon
Megatron (McDonald's) - Decepticon
Megatron (Smallest TF) - Destron
Megatron (Beast Megatron, Robot Masters) - Destron Emperor of Destruction
Megazarak - Decepticon Warlord
Meister - Autobot Special Ops. Agent
Mile - Micron
Mirage - Decepticon
Movor - Decepticon

Nemesis Prime - Decepticon
Nemesis Strika - Decepticon
Nightbeat - Mini-Con
Nightcruz - Mini-Con
Nightscream - Mini-Con

Offshoot - Autobot
Oil Slick - Decepticon
Omega Sentinel - Autobot
Omega Supreme - Autobot
Optimus Prime - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Powerlinx Deluxe) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Costco) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (McDonald's) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Spychanger) - Autobot Leader
Optimus Prime (20th Anniversary) - Autobot Leader
Optimus Prime (Smallest TF Anime) - Cybertron Leader
Overload - Autobot
Over-Run - Mini-Con

Pathfinder - Cybertron
Payload - Mini-Con
Perceptor - Mini-Con
Perceptor (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Processor - Micron
Prowl - Autobot
Prowl (Sam's Club) - Autobot
Prowl (S.W.A.T.) - Autobot
Prowl (Spychanger) - Autobot Military Strategist
Prowl (Smallest TF) - Cybertron Military Strategist
Prowl (Transformers: Universe Micromaster) - Autobot
Prowl (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Prowl (Transformers: Universe Spychanger) - Autobot
Prowl - Mini-Con
Prowl (X-Dimension) - Micron
Psycho Orb - Destron Inspection

Quantum - Micron
Quench - Micron
Quickmix - Decepticon

R-Blade - Cybertron Interceptor Knight
Ramjet - Decepticon
Ramjet - Mini-Con
Ransack - Decepticon
Rapid Run - Decepticon
Red Alert (Smallest TF) - Cybertron Security Director
Red Alert (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Refute - Mini-Con
Ricochet - Autobot Rapid-Fire Attack
Road Ranger - Cybertron
Road Rocket - Cybertron Assassin
Roadhandler - Mini-Con
Rodimus - Autobot
Rollbar - Mini-Con
Rollbar (Transformers: Universe) - Decepticon
Rollout - Mini-Con
Ro-Tor - Decepticon
Rotor - Micron
Ruination - Decepticon

Saber - Micron
Salvo - Destron Assault Gunner
Scattor - Mini-Con
Scavenger - Decepticon
Scorponok - Decepticon
Screw - Micron
Seeker - Micron
Sentinel Maximus - Autobot Matrix Guardian/Armored Transport
Shadow Hawk Cosmos Type - Destron
Sharkticon - Decepticon
Shockblast - Decepticon
Shot Hole - Destron Invader
Side Burn - Autobot
Sideswipe - Autobot Warrior
Signal Flare - Autobot
Silverstreak (Alternators) - Autobot
Silverstreak (Spychanger)- Autobot Gunner
Sky Blast - Mini-Con
Skyblast - Autobot
Skyboom - Mini-Con
Skydive - Autobot
Skywarp - Decepticon
Slugslinger - Decepticon
Small Foot - Cybertron
Smokescreen (Alternators) - Autobot Diversionary Tactician
Smokescreen (Comemmorative Series VI) - Autobot Diversionary Tactician
Smokescreen GT (Binaltech) - Cybertron Diversionary Tactician
Smokescreen (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Smokesniper - Destron Sniper Lieutenant
Snowcat - Decepticon
Solar - Micron
Soundwave - Decepticon
Space Case - Decepticon
Spoil - Micron
Star Saber - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Star Saber (RM-17) - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Starscream - Decepticon
Starscream (Sam's Club) - Decepticon
Starscream (Robot Masters) - Destron Air Commander
Stockade - Autobot
Streetwise (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Strongarm - Autobot
Strongarm (Energon) - Autobot
Sunburn - Micron
Sunstorm - Decepticon
Sureshock - Mini-Con
Sureshock (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Swerve - Autobot
Swoop - Autobot
Synapse - Micron

Tacker - Cybertron
Tacker (Black) - Cybertron
Tackle - Cybertron
Tackle (Black) - Cybertron
Terradive (Spring Value Pack) - Mini-Con
Terradive (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Throttle - Micron
Thrust (Smallest TF) - Destron
Thunderclash - Mini-Con
Thundercracker - Decepticon
Thundercracker (Smallest TF) - Destron Warrior
Thunderwing (Spring Value Pack) - Mini-Con
Thunderwing (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con
Thyristor - Micron
Tidal Wave - Decepticon
Torque - Micron
Tow-Line - Autobot
Tracks (Autobot Tracks) - Autobot
Tracks (Binaltech) - Cybertron Warrior
Treadbolt - Autobot
Treadshot - Decepticon
Treads - Destron
Triac - Micron
Twist (X-Dimension) - Micron

Ultra Magnus - Autobot
Ultra Magnus (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot
Ultra Magnus (Battle In A Box) - Autobot
Unicron - Chaos Bringer
Unicron (McDonald's) - Chaos Bringer

Victory Leo - Cybertron Armored Knight
Victory Leo (RM-17) - Cybertron Armored Knight
Victory Saber - Cybertron Supreme Commander
Victory Saber (RM-17) - Cybertron Supreme Commander

Waver - Cybertron
Waver (Black) - Cybertron
Wheeljack - Autobot Mechanical Engineer
Whirl (Autobot Whirl) - Autobot
Wind Sheer - Decepticon
Windcharger - Micron
Wing - Cybertron
Wing (Black) - Cybertron
Wing Saber - Autobot
Wing Stun - Destron Inspector
Wingwaver - Cybertron
Wingwaver (Black) - Cybertron
Wreckage - Mini-Con
Wreckerhook - Destron Technology Officer

X-Gunner - Destron Aerial Gunner

Zapmaster (Built To Rule) - Mini-Con
Zapmaster (Sam's Club) - Mini-Con
Zaptrap - Destron Hunter-Seeker
Zoom-Zoom - Cybertron


Aero-Bot - Go-Bots
Aero-Bot (Toys R Us) - Go-Bots

Beast-Bot - Go-Bots
Buzzer-Bot (Glow-Bots) - Go-Bots
Buzzer-Bot (Convertible) - Go-Bots

Fire-Bot - Go-Bots

Preditron - Go-Bots

Racer-Bot Alpha - Go-Bots
Racer-Bot Beta - Go-Bots
Racer-Bot Beta (Clear) - Go-Bots
Reptron (Invisibility Force) - Go-Bots

Silver-Bot - Go-Bots
Speed-Bot - Go-Bots
Speed-Bot (Toys R Us) - Go-Bots
Speed-Bot (Invisibility Force) - Go-Bots
Strong-Bot (All-Terrain) - Go-Bots
Strong-Bot (Cement Mixer) - Go-Bots
Strong-Bot (Invisibility Force) - Go-Bots

Taxi-Bot - Go-Bots
Truck-Bot - Go-Bots