"I don't break the rules, I bend
them - a lot."
Sideswipe is nearly the equal of his twin brother,
Sunstreaker, in the combat arts, but far less cold blooded. Relishes
a fight to the finish with an opponent, and isn't above using dirty,
underhanded tactics to come out on top. In robot mode, his arms
can act as powerful pile drivers and can deliver up to 4 tons of
force per impact with five impacts per second. Double-barreled multi-purpose
launcher mounted on right arm fires dual incendiary missiles and
doubles as a melee weapon, which can create twin fiery sabers. Shoulder
mounted weapons ports fires blinding magnesium-phosphorous flares
visible for 18 miles. In car mode, rear mounted rocket boosters
allow Sideswipe reach speeds in excess of 450 mph for up to 2 minutes.
There are no known variations of this figure.
This figure was available exclusively at the Official Transformers Collectors Convention in 2003.