Hacker X-3 - Autobot Hailstorm - Decepticon Half-Track - Decepticon Aerial Counterattack Half-Track - Autobot Halfshell - Destron Pirate Chief Hammer - Decepticon Battlefield Fortification Hammer (Robots In Diguise (2015)) - Decepticon Hammerstrike - Maximal Tracker, Ocean Attack Hammerstrike (Tiny Titans) - Decepticon Hangnail - Decepticon Hardhead - Autobot Ground Assault Hardhead (Universe Classics 2.0) - Autobot Hardhead (Titans Return) - Autobot Hardhead - Destron Ground Forces Commander Hardshell (Robot Heroes) - Decepticon Hardshell (Universe Classics 2.0) - Decepticon Agents Hardshell (Prime) - Decepticon Demolitions Expert Hardshell (Kre-O) - Decepticon Hardspark - Cybertron Fire Warrior Hardtop - Decepticon Hardtop (Movie) - Decepticon Hatchet - Decepticon Headlock - Decepticon Headstrong - Decepticon Ground Assault Headstrong (Platinum Edition) - Decepticon Heatwave - Decepticon Weapons/Systems Design Heatwave (Rescue Bots) - Autobot Heatwave (Rescue Bots PVC) - Autobot Heatwave (Rescue Bots, Rescan) - Autobot Heatwave (Rescue Bots, Dinobot) - Autobot Heatwave (Rescue Bots, Rescan PVC) - Autobot Heatwave (Hero Mashers) - Autobot Heatwave the Fire-Bot Bird - Autobird Heave - Autobot Interstellar Defense Heavy Load - Autobot Dump Truck Heavy Load (Wal*Mart) - Autobot Heavy Load - Mini-Con Heavy Load - Decepticon Heavy Tread - Autobot Ground Transport Heavytread (Universe 2.0) - Autobot Heavytread (Power Core Combiners) - Autobot Heavytread (Generations) - Mini-Con Heavyweight - Decepticon Heinlad - Cybertron Dimensional Explorer Hell Buzzsaw - Destron Hellbat - Destron Spy Hellscream - Destron General Chief of Staff High Beam - Autobot Tracker High Score 100 - Autobot High Wire - Mini-Con High Wire (Energon) - Mini-Con High Wire (Transformers: Universe) - Mini-Con High Wire (Deluxe) - Autobot High Wire (Cybertron) - Autobot High Wire (Stealth Force) - Autobot Highbrow - Autobot Electronic Warfare Highbrow (Titans Return) - Autobot Highbrow (Hunt for the Decepticons) - Autobot Highbrow (Kre-O) - Autobot Highjump - Autobot Covert Activities Highline 1070 - Autobot Hightail - Autobot Hightower - Autobot Crane Hightower (Wal*Mart) - Autobot Hightower - Decepticon Hightower (Target) - Decepticon Hightower (Classics) - Decepticon Hightower (Movie) - Decepticon Hightower (Legends) - Decepticon Hightower (Toys R Us, Legends) - Decepticon Hishoumaru - Autobot Shinobi Team No. 2 Hoist - Autobot Maintenance Hoist - Autobot Decoy #21 Hoist (Machine Wars) - Autobot Maintenance Hoist (Spychanger) - Autobot Maintenance Hoist (Generations) - Autobot Hoist (Botcon 2013) - Autobot Engineer Hoist (Thrilling 30) - Autobot Hoist (Armada) - Autobot Hoist (Movie) - Autobot Hoist (Rescue Bots) - Autobot Hoist (Kre-O) - Autobot Hoist (Kre-O, Machine Wars) - Autobot Hoist (Class of 1985) - Autobot Most Helpful Hook - Decepticon Surgical Engineer Hook - Decepticon Decoy #42 Hook (Generation 2) - Decepticon Surgical Engineer Hook (Combiner Wars) - Decepticon Hook (SDCC 2015) - Decepticon Hook (Kre-O) - Decepticon Hooligan - Decepticon Hit and Run Horri-Bull - Decepticon Ground Trooper Hosehead - Autobot Emergency Rescue Hot House - Autobot Long Range Defense Hot Rod - Autobot Cavalier Hot Rod (Targetmaster) - Autobot Cavalier Hot Rod (E-Hobby United) - Autobot Cavalier Hot Rod (Platinum Edition) - Autobot Hot Rodimus - Cybertron Hot Rodimus (Mega SCF) - Cybertron Hot Rodimus (SCF Act 6, Visor) - Cybertron Hot Rodimus (Reissue) - Cybertron Hot Rodimus (Chronicle) - Autobot Hot Shot (Robots In Disguise) - Autobot Hot Shot (KB Clear) - Autobot Sportscar Hot Shot (KB Recolor) - Autobot Sportscar Hot Shot (Armada) - Autobot Hot Shot (McDonald's) - Autobot Hot Shot (Powerlinx) - Autobot Hot Shot (Built To Rule) - Autobot Hot Shot (Energon) - Autobot Hot Shot (Energon Energon) - Autobot Hot Shot (Cybertron) - Autobot Hot Shot (Legends of Cybertron) - Autobot Hot Shot (Cybertron Defense) - Autobot Hot Shot (Recolor, Legends of Cybertron) - Autobot Hot Shot (Attacktix) - Autobot Hot Shot (Universe Classics 2.0) - Autobot Hot Shot (Prime) - Autobot Hot Shot (Age of Extinction) - Autobot Hot Spot - Autobot Protectobot Leader Hot Spot (Transformers: Universe) - Autobot Hot Spot (Protectobot, Generations) - Autobot Hot Spot (Protectobots Evac Squad) - Autobot Hot Spot (Combiner Wars) - Autobot Hot Spot (Kre-O) - Autobot Hot Zone - Autobot Hot Zone (Titanium) - Autobot Hotlink - Decepticon Mechatronic Engineer Hotspark - Cybertron Fire Assault Hound - Autobot Scout Hound - Autobot Decoy #17 Hound (Autobot Hound, Alternators) - Autobot Hound (Robot Heroes) - Autobot Hound (Universe Classics 2.0 Legends) - Autobot Hound (Universe Classics 2.0) - Autobot Hound (Stealth Force) - Autobot Hound (Tracker) - Autobot Hound (Botcon 2015, Sgt.) - Autobot Front-Line Reconnaissance Hound (Combiner Wars) - Autobot Hound (Age of Extinction) - Autobot Hound (Power Battlers) - Autobot Hound (One Step Changers) - Autobot Hound (Construct-Bots) - Autobot Hound (Dinobot Riders) - Autobot Hound (Dinobot Warriors) - Autobot Hound (Class of 1984) - Autobot Friendliest Hound (Battle Changers) - Autobot Hover - Micron Howlback - Destron Enforcer Hubcap - Autobot Communications Hubcap (Generation 2) - Autobot Communications Hubcap (Machine Wars) - Autobot Damage Control Hubcap (Movie) - Autobot Hubs - Autobot Highway Reconnaissance Huffer - Autobot Construction Engineer Huffer - Autobot Decoy #27 Huffer (Botcon) - Autobot Chief Engineer Huffer (Combiner Wars) - Autobot Huffer (Power Core Combiners) - Autobot Huffer (Prime) - Autobot Tech Specialist Huffer (Kre-O) - Autobot Huffer (Class of 1984) - Autobot Biggest Rust Bucket Hun-Gurrr - Decepticon Terrorcon Leader Hun-Gurrr (Universe Classics 2.0 Legends) - Decepticon Hun-Gurrr - Predacon Berserker Infantry Hun-Gurrr (Predacons Rising) - Predacon Hun-Gurrr (Kre-O) - Decepticon Hunter - Star Seeker Striker Hurricane - Autobot Defence Tactics Specialist Hyakurai - Micron Hydra - Destron Space Aviation Officer Hydra (BW Neo) - Destron Bombardier Hydradread - Decepticon Scientific Advisor Hydraulic - Autobot Ground Transport Hyperdrive - Decepticon Advance Assault